For example, a "slight refinement in dating the fulfillment of Revelation 11:3" is discussed in a "Questions From Readers" article on page 31 of the August 1, 1994 Watchtower. The question refers to an earlier discussion of the verse on pages 9-11 of the November 1, 1993 Watchtower and asks, "Why, though, did the dates for the three and a half times of Revelation 11:3 differ from the 'Revelation Climax' book?"

Page 164 of that 1988 book Revelation --Its Grand Climax At Hand! presents the 1260 days as "starting from the outbreak of the first world war in the latter part of 1914 and continuing to the early part of 1918." (World War I broke out in August 1914.)

The November 1, 1993, Watchtower presents the 1260 days as running “December 1914 to June 1918.” (It was on June 21, 1918, that J. F. Rutherford and other directors of the Watchtower Society were sentenced to prison for controversial things they had published.)

The August 1, 1994 “Questions From Readers” resolves the discrepancy in favor of the November 1993 article, concluding that “This adjustment is something we can bear in mind as we study and use the Revelation Climax book in the future.”